Red Cherry Shrimp Tank Mates

In their natural environment, cherry shrimp are primarily prey animals. When kept in a tank, they are easily targeted by fish as potential food. Even fish are too small to eat them may harass them and stress them to death, sometimes biting limbs. For best results, the farm must be made separately. Small, non-aggressive fish like Harlequin Rasbora, neon tetra, cardinal tetra, dwarf corydoras, otocinclus catfish, dwarf tambakan, and some species of killifish can be kept with adult cherry shrimp. However baby shrimp are likely to be eaten by fish than otocinclus & some other herbivorous fish. Most cichlids, including angel fish, will harass and readily eat adults as well. With enough cover and hiding places (live plants such as Java moss work well) can have a colony of cherry shrimp survive in a tank with larger fish to eat
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